社區關懷 Our Work in the Community

This is a student based house situated above the ground floor church premises with a Christian based ethos. The house accommodates 26 students from all different countries who are studying in different colleges around London.
Students here share the responsibility for establishing a community lifestyle. This includes regular house meetings, meals, discussions, prayer groups, social and recreational activities.
Visit www.wlm.org.uk/methodist-chaplaincy-house for more information.

With God's love and compassion, we help gamblers who have come to Christ to re-assess their values, re-establish their life, restore relationship with their families, and, where authorised to do so, manage their debt repayments.
Our Centre is open from 10 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday. Staff are on hand to receive calls and meet people who come to seek help. Meetings outside official working hours may be arranged by appointment.
Visit www.ccgr.org.uk for more information.

C4WS - Winter Shelter Ministry
We provide an overnight shelter every Thursday evenings (November - March) providing dinner, bed and breakfast for 14 guests who are homeless.
We parter with “C4WS” homeless project, whose intention is to offer intensive welfare support to the homeless guests, providing mentoring and support.
Volunteer: If you are interested in helping out, please contact Tessa Bennett.
Visit www.c4wshomelessproject.org for more information.